Introduction, Half tonner List, Architectes, Résultats, No Voile
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à jour au: 2022
1978 Nicholson Half Tonner #0??, plan
Ron Holland
???? New owner, and
dutch flag, based in Dugerdam
New owner, and new Belgium flag
2020 January,
Philipp Jason Hympendahl: "I
bought her from a belgium guy, her name was Kika. Before that she belonged to
a dutch guy in Durgerdam";
Queen, GER
2021 June, from Philipp
19 October, "Arrived in Hamburg today after great
journey from Amsterdam with my beloved halftonner „African Queen“"
November, "I have been sailing round denmark with
my halftonner „African Queen“. Two days ago from Tyborøn
to Sylt and now I am on Föhr. I have been documenting the trip and the
videos are on youtube if anyone is interested"
2022 July, from Facebook
"Unforunately I have to sell my beloved Half
Tonner, as I signed in for the Global Solo Challenge and need a bigger boat.
Please help me find a nice new owner. Thank’s. 21 000 euros"
Picture from Facebook 2023,