TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos


Invader, KA 4486
à jour au: 2022
1987 Plan Davidson, built in wood by Howden


1987 Southern Cross, on entrants list, but not on Sydney Hobart entrant list

1989 Mid February, Sydney Newscastle Race: 3e/?? IOR Div 2
Sydney Mooloolaba
race: 1er/?? IOR Div 3, Eric John STANO

Comment from Facebook 2021 "Another exciting addition to the IOR fleet is John Howden's Davidson designed Three-quarter Tonner, Invader. She is a development, an update, of "Singapore Girl" and "Chutzpah", and incorporates many of the features of Sydney-Hobart winner "Ex-Tension". Howden built the boat, with help from crew and friends, in 16 months. She is of Western Red Cedar and kevlar construction, carries Sobstad sails and according to Howden, who will helm the boat, Invader is "very, very light and we expect her to be very competitive, especially in light airs," says Howden. She raced for the first time on October 3 and because of the lack of time Howden does not intend to do the Sydney-Hobart race. Instead he will concentrate on the Lincoln Week regatta Still at the QCYC"

1990-91 Mooring near MHYC

2017 around, picture from Facebook 2023,

2021 Comment and pictures from Facebook, John Jack Morrison, "I own and continue to race Invader out of QCYC. Still a lovely boat and no changes really from original and photo above. New sails last year, and a gearbox recondition 2019. Entered into Surf to City for this weekend actually but doing inshore course for a change."

2023 August, picture and comment from Facebook,