Histoiredeshalfs Sommaire,

TROIS QUARTERS TONNERS: Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Photos de Trois Quarts T. : THREE QUARTERS T.


Bateleur, IRL 4414
à jour au: juin 2014
1984 plan Humphreys, MGRS34 Modified with engine further forward


1984 Holyhead-Howth: 7e/21 A2

1985 Tomatin Scottish Series: 1er/?? Chris BONNAR
CCC Ofshore Points Championship: 2e/? Div A

Crystal Light, IRL 4414
June, Round Ireland: 5e/50 en 5j17h45', Peter A FARRELLY
Howth Yacht Club
ISORA: 7/7 races, 3e/19 A2

1989 ISORA, 4/7 races, 13e/24 A2, Peter A FARRELLY

Competed many Round Ireland Yacht Races.

1992 Round Ireland: 25e/47 en 5j16h07', Aisling FARRELLY

2004 Cork Week: 19e/25 Gentlemans' Class

2006 Cork Week: 2e/32 Gentlemen's class (no spinnakers), Michael POWELL, Royal Cork Yacht Club

Picture from Northern and Southern Ireland racing yachts past and present Facebook 2020,

Picture from Northern and Southern Ireland racing yachts past and present Facebook 2018,

2013 Owned by Dr. Mossissey
Picture received from Vincent Delany

2014 26 juin, Crosshaven: