QUARTERS: Sommaire - Architectes - Numéros de voile - Liste Alphabétique - Résultats - Séries


Poivre et Sel, H 2786
A jour au: 2016
1979 plan Mann Design,

1979 Quarter Ton Cup: 27 - 39 -45 - 48 - dns = ?e/56

1980 A la suite des changements dans la jauge IOR, le bateau passe de 18,5 à 21,0 en décembre 80
Publicité trouvée dans une revue française,

Poivre et Sel, F 8169

From Dutch QT Class Facebook (2019), "Recieved some great pictures of Reinier Dobbelmann. He was born in the Netherlands but moved to France in the seventies. There he designed some good looking 1/4 ton boats with Daniel Heilmann (who sadly passed away way too young) under the name Mann Design. Their first 1/4 ton design 'Poivre et Sel' sailed the 1979 Quarter Ton Cup in San Remo (Italy). Probably under Dutch (H-2786) sail number to bypass the French selections for San Remo but Reinier could not remember that. Reinier did not sail in San Remo himself but Daniel did with Pierre Mas (Delta Voiles). In 1980 they designed and build their second 1/4 ton design 'Jambon Beure' (F-8085). In 1981 several boats of this type sailed the Quarter Ton Cup in Marseille."