ONE TONNERS: Summary - Alphabetic List - Architect - Sail Number - Résults




Sunset Strip, PH 77
Last update: 1988
198? Plan Gary Mull, built by Danny Murphy

198? First owner, Louis Vera from Phillipines

1984 14 April, China Sea Race, Hong Kong: 4e/38 IOR corrected time 106h49', L. VERA / C. PERRY / P. PENDER 2024
from "Latitude 38" Jun 1984 "Any one know the recent history and whereabouts of the Mull one Tonner Sunset Strip...very active in Manila in the 80's and 90's A light weather demon ...built by Danny Murphy .....of Kelantis ....a very light timber used for cigar boxes."

1986 23 March, China Sea Race, Hong Kong: 4e/18 IOR corrected time 106h30', Luis VERA

1988 1 April, China Sea Race, Hong Kong: 9e/15 IOR corrected time 99h55', John VAUSE

From Facebook 2024, pics from Cliff Staqq,