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Port Pendennis (2), K 518
à jour au: 2022
1991 Plan Dubois, built by Vision Yachts

1991 Pictures and comment from IOR, RORC & CCA Ocean Racing Classes Facebook page 2020, "Sparcraft, North/Halsey, Lewmar, B&G, with Lawrie Smith as skipper, representing the British team at the 1991 Admiral's Cup, sail number K518. Quite an aggressive rudder and good experience to work with Ed Dubois and his team, Vision and the all star crew".

Bit World Cup: ?e/??
Photos D. Bourgeois, archives de la revue "Bateaux",

Juillet, One Ton Cup, Nieuwport: 3e/19, quille voilée suite à choc,
Juillet "Régate"

Aout, Admiral's Cup: 5 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 2 - 4 = 2e/8 OT, British Team: 4e/8
Picture from One Ton Class Facebook 2015,

1991 New owner: ? and new name:
Orient Express, K 518

and renammed
GBE International, K 518
Admiral's Cup, UK Team: 6e/8, Charles MORTON

1993 August, Admiral's Cup: 4 - 4 - 3 - 6 - 1 - 3 - 3 = 4e/8 OT, UK Team: 6e/8, Charles MORTON
including Fastnet Race: ?e/?? (1er Fastnet d'Adrian Stead)
October "Offshore" japanese magazine,

2011 6 juillet, AF Gotland Runt': ?e/52 SRS Bravo, Ita GROSSMANN

Picture from One Ton Class Facebook 2019, "port pendennis 1990 eray kucuk",

???? New owner: ? and new name:
Uno, TUR 518

2010 Renouvellement du certificat IRC, TTC sans spi: 1.060, should be ex "Port Pendennis" 518 and 1991, (LOA : 12m, Bau max : 3.78m, Tirant d'eau : 2.25m)

Pictures from One Ton Class Facebook 2014,

Goblin 3, TUR 518
2012 Bosphorus Cup: 1st/??, Aydin YURDUM

2013 American Express Bosphorus Cup: ?e/??, ??
Pictures from American Express Bosphorus Cup website,

2015 Marmaris Race Week: 1 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 5 = 1er/16 IRC 2, IRC: 1,074, Aydin YURDUM
Picture from Marmaris Race website,

2016 Pictures from One Ton Class Facebook,

2018 From Vincent, half models seen in Royal Thames Yacht Club

2019 April, Seen on Port Edgar Yacht Club list, (Edimburgh)

2020 Picture from Facebook,

Yilport Goblin, TUR 518
7 November, 69. Yil Altinkilit Kupasi: 1er/2 IRC 1, Oguz AYAN

2022 22 septembre, Bosphorus Cup, 1 - 1 - 1 = 1er/12 IRC 1, Oguz AYAN
Pictures from race's website,