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Carter 39, Dick Carter design
Builder: Olympic Yachts, LOA: 39.00'/11.89m, Beam: 12.75'/3.89m,
Draft (max.) 6.75'/2.06m, Disp. 18750 lbs./8505 kgs, from 1974 to ?... and Carter
39 Racing only 3 build;
This boat was not built as One Tonner;
Liste des bateaux:
Ananke III FRA 6000 Carter 39 1973, ex
"Orgueil V";
Anduril US 13806 Carter 39 1975, 1975 Southern Cross: ?e/33,
Team US: ?e/11, Rating 29.5', including Sydney Hobart: 58e/102 elapsed time
3d11h23', R.E. Carter;
"Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, Official Programme",
April US Carter 39 1973,
ex "April Magic";
April Magic K Carter 39 1973, ex "Fait
Judjement IV";
Bernard II B Carter 39 1974, 1980 Channel Race: DNF, Y. Club de l'Université
de Louvain, 2020 For Sale, located in Ijmuiden, 12 500 Euros;
from inautia 2020,
Blaze US 13941 Carter 39 Offshore version 1974/75;
Blue Signet F 6291 Carter 39 1974;
Bohemia US 8588 Carter 39 197?, 1978 IOARDA Series: ?e/??,
rating 29.5', C. Weghorn, picture
from Facebook 2021;
Duet ? Carter 39 Offshore version 1979 built by Olympic Yachts, renamed "Mancelim";
Fair Judjement IV K Carter 39 197?, renamed "April Magic";
Freedom ? Carter 39 1974, renamed "Maric";
Graffiti ? Carter 39 197?, Comment from Facebook 2022 Neil Drew "My Carter 39' "Graffiti" was shall we say a more harmonious colour and with a proper coach roof and keel sailed like a witch and a lovely cruiser racer..thank you Dick Carter" & "I had a Carter 39' namely " Graffiti " which we as a family cruised through the SW of England , Brittany and SW Ireland she was based in Dartmouth a well known Boat in the Area. A Powerful and totally Reliable design Mr Carter";
Jagerbomb GBR Carter 39 Offshore version 1979 built by Olympic Yachts, ex "Mancelim", "Duet", 2022 Owner, K. Atkins, lying in Weston-Super-Mare, UK;
Juno III ? Carter 39 Racing version (flush deck) 1973, 1973 Owner: S. Buzzi, renamed "Timoleon";
Karacool II F Carter 39 Racing version (flush deck) 1973,
ex "Juno III" "Timoleon", 2022 Owner, M. Cardona, lying
in La Seyne-sur-Mer, FR;
from Facebook 2024,
Picture from Facebook 2024,
Light Fantastic USA 14564 Carter 39 ?, 2006 16 June, Newport
Bermuda Race: 16e/19 Class 1, Sylvan R. Shemitz;
Love Machine US Carter 39 197?, "Other
boats that captured class honors in multiple editions of Block Island Race Week
from 1965 to 1985 included Scorpion (Tripp 42, Jack Sutphen), Wings (Soveral
33, William Soveral), Love Machine (Carter 39, Dick Hokin), Not
By Bread Alone (Peterson 35, William Donovan) and Elixir (David
Mancelim ? Carter 39 Offshore version 1979 built by Olympic Yachts, renamed "Duet";
Maric F 43561 Carter 39 1974, ex "Freedom";
Mintar ? Carter 39 1974 Carter 39 Offshore version 1974, renamed
Moleoba III GBR 6299 Carter
39 1974;
Orgueil V F 6000 Carter 39 1973;
Ramanta ITA Carter 39 1974 Carter 39 Offshore version 1974, ex "Mintar", 2022 lying in Sicily, Italia;
Samphire of Mersea K Carter 39 1973, 1975 Fastnet Race, elapsed time 116.02h: 25e/49 Class 2, J.A. Sampson, 2021 For Sale Carter 39 sailing yacht for sale. Built in 1973 and designed by Dick Carter as an offshore racer. Samphire participated in the 1975 Fastnet and finished a credible 25th.. She also won a three peaks challenge and had the keel adapted from a fin keel to a hydraulic controlled centreboard. Samphire's green top sides and flush decks and nice lines create an attractive yacht that will turn heads wherever she goes. On deck, Samphire features twin steering wheels, two cockpits, all sail control lines are led aft, and the decks are flush. She can be sailed short handed if required but will also provide a good turn of speed for the enthusiastic sailer. Below decks, is a beamy saloon with u shaped settee to port, twin berths in the saloon to starboard, and aft berth and generous double up front. The tumblehome hull shape creates a large space in the saloon area. However, it is fair to comment the head room is approximately 5ft 10. The boat is presented in good condition, however there are a few minor areas which could benefit from enhancement, for example, some parts of the headlining are falling. The boat has heating but no hot water. Samphire is an attractive boat, solidly built and overall presents well. Long.: 10.94 m, Lieu: Essex (Royaume Uni), Nom : Samphire of Mersea, Constructeur: Carter, Matériel: Fibre de verre, Built as an offshore racer. Owned by Sammy Sampson who was part of Ted Heath's regular team. She sails absolutely beautifully.
Schlemm K 4098T Carter 39 1982, 2018 2 juin, Tour de Belle
Ile, 15 NM: DNF/62 Petite Classe Libre, Vincent Pineau, 2023 12
aout, 1er rassemblement des Carter, La Trinité:
DSQ/12, C. Pineau;
Signet F 6291 Carter 39 1974;
Sula ITA Carter 39 1975, 2000 New owner, Carlo Casadio, 2023
Information and pictures From "Vela" IOR Classique;
Timoleon ? Carter 39 Racing version (flush deck) 1973, renamed "Karacool II";
Zeus ? Carter 39 1973, 1979 Transpac: 4e/20 Class D;
K 638 ??, picture from sailboat data website,
2019 A Vendre, ITA
2018 Carter 39 from
New York, Picture from Facebook,
1973 Carter 39, Plan Dick Carter, Builder:
Olympic Yachts, LOA: 39.00'/11.89m, Beam: 12.75'/3.89m, Draft (max.) 6.75'/2.06m,
Disp. 18750 lbs./8505 kgs, from 1974 to ?... noted as Two Tonners...
Avril "Neptune Nautisme",