Introduction, Half tonner List, Architects, Sail Number, Half Ton Cup,



Burlon VIII, E 2292
à jour au: 2020
1982 Plan Joubert Nivelt, construit en composite par Barracuda (Pepin Gonzalez, Palma)

Owner: Manuel Casanova Safont, based in Valencia, Spain, (Real Club Nautico Valencia)

Copa Del Rey, Baléares: 5e/?? Classe V. ???

2014 Janvier, For Sale Jouvert -Nivelt Half Ton, 1983, 18 000 Euros, Motor Sole 12 cv, Manga (metros) 2.75, Eslora (metros) 9.30, Calado 1.80, located in Spain

December, new owner: Dimitri Nicolopoulos-Salle.

2015 Mai, reçu de Dimitri Nicolopoulos-Salle: "Ce bateau a appartenu une trentaine d’années  à M. Manuel Casanova Safont, président du RCNV (une des personnes responsables de la candidature de Valencia pour la Coupe 2007). Nous l’avons acquis à Noel dernier avec l’intention de naviguer et de le restaurer. Pour commencer nous avons fait construire un ber afin de le laisser au sec quand on ne l’utilise pas et il est maintenant résident de l’ancienne base de Team New Zealand pendant la Coupe 2007, toujours à Valencia."

2019 New owner, José Luis Ortín Montesinos
12 mars,

2020 8 Novembre, Entrenamiento Vuelta A Las Islas, Cartagena: ?e/??

November, received from José Luis "It was a good opportunity to continue the restoration work that Dimitri already began. The boat has an undoubtedly racing pedigree and I quite soon felt in love with the possibilities that a ORC optimization could bring into the local racing we can do in Cartagena. We still have to work on her but we’ve advanced a lot in the last year. I attach here a few pictures of the restoration work and couple of pictures from a race last week with the old sails. The boat was fast in 8-10kts TWS even against modern cruiser-racers like an X35, First 34.7, Dufour 36 and another Hlaf Tonner that shared the same mould and builder but that has a modern rig and appendages." and all 2019 & 2020 pictures,