History of Halfs: Summary

History of Minis: Numbers - Alphabétic List - Production - Architects - Entrants - Pictures - Results


Warning: June 3, 2024, at least 20 pages of mini have been destroyed, emptied or are weird, in short there was a bug during the update at the end of May. June 14th, the new versions are online. Thanks to Cédric (1025) for pointing it out to me.


2025 Infos: January,

"Wild Child" sailing in Australia, picture received from Ryan Walker,

2024 Infos & news: Décember, November, October, September, August, July, June, May, April, Minorque's race, March, February, January,

New pages from "Bateaux" archives: 1991 Mini Transat Departure, 1992 Mini Fastnet, 1997 Mini Fastnet Departure, Trebeurden, 1999 Mini Transat Departure, Concarneau

4th of June 2022, Douarnenez, after MAP arrival - 8th of April 2022, Plastimo Lorient Mini,


News Archives


Contact: histoiredeshalfs@orange.fr

1999 December "Seahorse",


Main objectif is to find the history of each MINI.

My main source are nautical reviews, and race's results. I have started this records in 1990.

Numéros: Sail's numbers list

Liste Alphabétique: Mini's Names, Alphabetic List

Séries: Production boat accepted by Class Mini

Architectes: architects list

Competitors: In this list, you can find all persons I have found in Mini Races's results

Results: Mini Transats results

Some pictures before departure: Mini Fasnet 1991, Vannes-Açores-Vannes 1992, Mini Fastnet 1993, Mini Fastnet 1997, Mini Transat 1997, Mini Transat 1999, La Rochelle September 2009, Mini Fastnet 2012, 2015 Mini Transat Entrants list et Douarnenez before departure,

May be some omission or mistake, I am waiting for more and more informations...



contact: histoiredeshalfs@orange.fr

Don't worry if you don't receive answer quickly, I am not all the time with good Internet Connection.

Mentions Légales