Whitbread Race: Sommaire - Liste Alphabétique


Tauranga, I 5551
à jour au: 2018
1972 Plan Sparkman & Stephens, Swan 55 #012/16

Picture from ClassicSwan.org,

1973 8 septembre, Whitbread Round-The-Race: 7 - 12 - 10 - ? = 10e/19, 156d22h corrected time, rating IOR: 39.1', Erik PASCOLI
8 septembre, 1e étape Portsmouth-Cap Town, temps réel 43d02h26': 7e/17
Photo Patrice Carpentier, Archives de la revue "Bateaux",

7 novembre, 2e étape Cap Town-Sydney, temps réel 43d16h37': 12e/17
29 décembre, 3e étape, Sydney-Rio, temps réel 52d01h34': 10e/15

1974 Mars "Bateaux",

8 mars, 4e étape, Rio-Portsmouth, temps réel ?': ?e/16
??, arrivée Portsmouth

19?? New Owner and new name,
Gandalf Wight Sourcer
, K 272

1995 Swan European Regatta, Cowes: 1er/46 Swan, Don WOOD

1999 November "Seahorse",

2003 De Guingand Bowl Race: ?e/?? IRC, Franck PETITGAS
2 July, Cowes Dinard: 114e/204 IRC, coef: 1.064
Fastnet Race: ?e/235 IRC

2008 January "Seahorse",

October, picture from ClassicSwan.org,

2009 February, picture from ClassicSwan.org,

02 - 05 July, S&S Swan Rendez-vous 2009, Marciana Marina, Elba Island: 4e/10 Swan >= 47', Michele BRUNO

2011 March, picture from ClassicSwan.org,

29th June - 2nd July, S&S Swan Rendez-vous 2011, Marciana Marina, Elba Island: 13e/15 Class One (47-65 feet), Michele BRUNO
3 novembre, Legends Regatta, Alicante: 12e/16
Novembre "Voiles et Voiliers",

2014 DailySail, Tauranga - Swan 55 From Phil Aikenhead  (13/7/10) owned by Don Wood and named Gandalf Wight Sourcer. Sold a few years ago not sure to whom but Don would know

2015 21 July, picture from ClassicSwan.org,

2018 26 July, picture from ClassicSwan.org (2020),