Introduction, Halftonner list, Architectes, Half Ton Cup, No Voile



Candu, KZ 2955
Last update: 2024
1976 Plan Paul Whiting, 9,77 x 3,21m

Voir aussi article d'une revue en anglais, lien - see also English Language Magazine, link.

1976 HALF TON CUP, Triestre: 12 - 2 - 11 - 26 - 12 = 8e/46. Ian GIBBS
Photo PC, archives de la revue "Bateaux",

Novembre "Régates":

1977 Schweppes South Pacific Half Ton Cup: 4 - 4 - 9 - 4 - 2 = 101pts, 3e/14, Ian GIBBS

Vice Squad,
New owner Ron Legge, Wellington.

Can Do Too,
mid 90s Colin Rankin achéte le bateau et le nomme Can Do Too. A new Thompson-designed mast was fitted and moved aft 500mm. The new mast is 1.4m longer than the original, has 2 sets of swept-back spreaders so the running back-stays have gone. A long, Thompson-designed fin-bulb keel was also fitted. The boat now draws 8 feet and is considerably more stable.

2000 October, New owners Carol Love & Colin.

2001 – 2002 Season: Spring Series Div II (Club, PHRF): 1er/??.
2002 mars, Carol Love devient seule propirétaire.

2002 – 2003 Season: Winder Cup - Nelson: 1er/?? (Club). Carol LOVE
Brian Millar Memorial Trophy (NYC) - Nelson: 1er/?? (Club)
Dimock Trophy (EBYC) - Nelson: 1er/?? (Club)
GT Wilson Cup (EBYC) - Nelson: 1er/?? (Club)
Lizzie Trophy - Ship Cove Direct: 1er/?? Club, ORC, PHRF
Summer Series: 2e/?? Div II PHRF

2003 – 2004 Season: Balm Regatta Cup - Season: 1er/??, Champion Div II (ORC)
Heretaunga Te Aro - Season: 1er/??, Champion Div II (PHRF)
Te Ruru Cup - Season: 1er/??, Champion Div II (Club)
Premier Offshore Serie: 2e/?? Club
Spring Series Div II, 2e/?? PHRF
Akaroa Race: 3e/?? Club
Nelson Race, 3e/?? Club, PHRF
Ship Cove Race, 3e/?? Club
Spring Women's Twilight Series: 3e/?? PHRF

004 – 2005 Season
: Te Ruru Cup - Season: 1er/?? Champion Div II (Club)
Heretaunga Te Aro - Season: 1er/?? Champion Div II (PHRF)
Hinemoa Cup - Spring Series: 1er/?? Div II (Club)
Harman Cup - Spring Series: 1er/?? Div II PHRF
Holm Cup - Laid Course Series: 1er/?? Div II (Club)
McLean Cup - Summer Series: 1er/?? Div II (PHRF)
Highet Cup - Summer Series: 1er/?? Div II (Club)
Laid Course Series: 2e/?? Div II PHRF
Brothers Island Direct: 2e/?? PHRF
Teleware Business House Yacht Race: 2e/??
Summer Series: 3e/?? Div II (ORC)
Summer Twilight Series: 3e/?? ORC, PHRF et Club

From Sailing Anarchy (January 2011) with this picture: "Here's one of a Farr '77? Candu from sailing anarchy taken around 2005 in New Zeland"

2006 Round White Island: ?e/??.

2008 August, For Sale Whiting 1/2 Ton - Candu II Asking price: $60,000, Candu II was purpose-built by Paul Whiting to race in the World Half Ton Cup in Trieste, Italy. After racing for many years in Wellington harbour, extensive modifications in 2000 included a Thompson-designed rig and keel with a Bakewell-White blade rudder added in 2001.

2016 Information: Recently modified with tall mast and bulb keel

2024 July, From Facebook,