Introduction, Halftonner list, Architectes, Half Ton Cup, No Voile
Savoy Truffle,
US ????
à jour au: 2022
19?? plan Whiting,
10 January, Berkeleys Midwinters: 1er/??
Division IV
Wheeler Regatta, San Francisco: 2e/?? IOR Div
2021 Picture
from Facebook,
November, Pictures from Facebook,
2022 February, comment from Facebook "Tragic: Savoy Truffle, half-tonner designed by Paul Whiting and built by the Whiting family. The only Whiting one-off half-tonner remaining. Soon to be cut up. Can a Norwegian Shipping Company sponsor a transport to Martin Kamperhaug for refit?"
From Facebook 2023, Interesting info about the Whiting design Savoy Truffle from Timothy Flynn "We all worked for Ulmer Sails at the time. My boss Jack Quinn bought Savoy Truffle. And how do I know this......it still has the same hideous paint job. AND.... the dagger board. Jack rolled her on her side during an Annapolis fall series race. They had to try to force the board down to get her back upright. Then she buried her bow in wave and the trap doors in the foredeck popped open. She started to "go down". Jack sold her immediately after that fall series. That boat was NOT SAFE TO SAIL ON."