Introduction, Liste half tonners, Architectes, Résultats, No Voile


Foeniks or Fonix, N 4454
à jour au: 2011
1983 Plan Pelle Petterson, built by Battbyggarda, Hullmaterial: Kevlar, Deplasement: 2450 Kg, Lenght over all: 9,2m, Beam: 3,10m


"She was originally built for the world championship at Hankoe in 1983 by Odd Lofteroed, and she was designed by the swedish designer Pelle Petterson. The cost was 860.000 Nkr (125.000 Usd) not including sails."

18 juin, HALF TON CUP, Hanko Norvége: 22 - 38 - 21 - 18 - dnf = 30e/40. Odd LOFTEROD

1985 Færderseilasen: 2e/23 IOR 5, S. TORP

Lakrisa, NOR 4454
1988 Faerderen: 1er/??,

Fugl Foeniks, NOR 4454
10 juin, Færderseilasen: DSQ, Thomas BRACHEL

1995 9 juin, Færderseilasen, Oslo, 66': 15e/31 Klasse 12/A en 25h00'

Foeniks, NOR 4454
7 juin, Færderseilasen, Oslo, 84': DNF/30 Lys C 1,15-16, Thomas BRACHEL

1998 12 juin, Færderseilasen, Oslo, 66': 8e/23 Lys R <1,15 en 16h26',
Fugl Foeniks, NOR 4454
5 septembre, Hollaendersailasen, 45': DNF/32 Lys 1.15-18, Thomas BRACHEL

???? Owner, Birger Loedner living in Stavanger.

2004 Summer, new owner, Tord Kaland, and new name,
Insanity, NOR 4454
14 aout, Hagesund Race Weekend: 5 - 6 = 6e/9, Tord KALAND

2006 10 janvier, First regatta this year: 3e/?? Lys Class 3
27 mai, Aker Kvaerner (Askoey Seilforening): OCS
19 aout, Askoey Rundt (Askoey Seilforening): 8 - 8 = 6e/??
2 septembre, Askeladden (os seilforening og milde båtlag): 5e/??
All informations in blues and pictures below are from vessel's Website: http://home.broadpark.no/~torkildk/

"I bought Insanity in the summer of 2004, from Birger Loedner who lives in Stavanger. Her name was then changed from Foeniks to Insanity, in memory of the first halftonner i ever sailed; "Madness" (a Nessy 94).
Foeniks was the original name, but that has changed with various owners, she won an overall victory in Faerderen in 1988 under the name Lakrisa. Her speed record I am told to be 22,5knots. My personal experience is that she is very well suited in low wind conditions. This may be a result of her large sail area and special hull construction, wich leaves very little "wet surface" in the water at low speeds.

2009 31 décembre, fin de validité du certificat NOR Rating

2011 9 aout, (traduction du norvégien par Google) "Ces photos ont été prises aujourd'hui à Dolvik Båtbyggeri sur Askøy. Ce bateau est condamné et ne doit être fondamentalement que raclé. Si vous regardez la forme de la coque, c'est de l'époque IOR, un arc fin et un milieu large"

Bateau détruit - Destroyed