Introduction, Half tonner List, Architects, Résults, Sail Number


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à jour au: février 2021
1976 plan Mauric, Delph 28,


20?? New Italian owner, (According to the this owner, it was bought and transported from France some years ago but I've no evidence of it.)

2017 New owner Giorgio Rodari,
12 Décember, "in an Italian town in the Alps, close to Switzerland border",

2018 24 February,

Mai, recieved from Giorgio Rodari  : "I leave in the north of Italy, near the Lago Maggiore and I purchased a Delph 28 hull last winter, with the idea to restore it and sail the Lago Maggiore. I don't have other information about the boat, unfortunately. I have only the hull, the sail drive Volvo engine, no mast and sails or boat number so I'll be glad to find other information to build the history of my boat. The boat was completely dismantled (also the interior) by the previous owner who started a refurbrishing repainting the hull. So the only thing I got from him is the hull + the engine and a box containing part of the deck equipments. The sails were not original but adapted and coming from an Alpa 8.25 as well as the (short) mast. Now, I found another 11 mt. mast, more similar the original one with new sails. In the coming weeks I'll start to clean an repaint the interior and build totally new electric and hydraulic systems....a big work." with all pictures.
Le nouveau propriétaire de ce bateau acheté en Italie, prés de la frontiére Suisse, n'a aucun renseignement sur son bateau, pas de nom, pas de Numéro de voile, ni de série...
Octobre, from Giorgio: "Some pictures...restoration is going on."

2020 December, received from the new owner, Alessandro Buda: "Mi chiamo Alessandro Buda ed ho acquistato il delph 28 che ha il proprietario sconosciuto del nord Italia. Spero di riuscire a metterla in acqua per l'inizio dell'anno prossimo. Sto aspettando di vedere se posso utilizzare l'albero che mi hanno venduto oppure comprarne uno usato. Posso chiedere qualche informazione sull' albero del Delph 28? Altezza e caratteristiche?"

2021 February, received thess pictures from the new owner, Alessandro Buda,