Introduction, Liste Halftonner, Architectes, Résultats, No Voile

Deux plans DUFOUR, "???", "Nereis III":


???, F ??
1972 Plan Michel Dufour, built by Dufour in La Rochelle


1995 Registered in Spain

ESP ????, Yubarta
October, new owner: Alberto MANRIQUE

2012 10 September,mail from Alberto MANRIQUE with some details and pictures: "I have seen some pictures of the Dufour Proton III which is very similar to my boat YUBARTA, a prototype built in 1972 by Dufour in La Rochelle. Yubarta was registered in Spain in 1995, I am the owner sincer October 2010. Yubarta is in excellent shape after 40 years, sailing every week-end."

1973 Plan Michel Dufour, construit en bois moulé par le chantier Hervé à La Rochelle.

1973 Semaine de La Rochelle: 10e/28 classe V, J. BOYER
Photos LN, archives revue "Bateaux",

Aout "Bateaux":

1975 Marlboro Cup: 3e/19 classe V, J. BOYER
Championnat de France UNCL: 12e/20 classe V
Semaine International de Noël, Antibes: 4e/?? Classe V

1976 Croisiére Bleue: 5e/22 classe V, J. BOYER
Marlboro Cup: 19e/19 classe V

1980 Octobre "Neptune Nautisme", à vendre,